The White Tiger Review Movie
The White Tiger Review
The struggle for the working-class is a topic Ramin Bahrani is deeply attuned to as filmmaker who has spent many years exploring this topic on screen. From his critically highly acclaimed debut Man Push Cart to his latest work, 99 Homes, Bahrani's ability to frame the gruesome real-life consequences of morally corrupt political and economic systems in heartbreaking, personal stories was a perfect decision to adapt Aravind Adiga's The White Tiger in 2008. Man Booker prize-winning novel The White Tiger. This, along with is the reality that this novel has been dedicated to the writer by him. They were close friends during their time at Columbia University together so this film is years into the making, and it's hard to imagine it being more timely.
The film veers towards a heart-rooking, dark final scene, but it maintains a lively and visceral feel throughout.
Similar to this novel Bahrani utilizes the framing technique of a protagonist who writes letters. Balram (Adarsh Gourav) is writing to an Chinese CEO who is scheduled to travel to Bangalore for a conference on technology. Gourav gives a humorous and unflinching narrative to guide us into the shaky path his entrepreneur set out on to improve the quality of his life, and to escape from the poverty brought on by family obligations as well as the constant grip of the Indian caste system. The uneasy tension between his deferential-yet-ambitious driver and the wealthy masters he serves represents the clashing of tradition and modernity and can be felt in every bowed head and slap around the face. There is a resentment every time Rajkummar Rao or Priyanka Chopra's young, wealthy couple makes a declaration about education and opportunities while still expecting to be submissive to their faithful driver.
The film sways towards a heart-pounding, dark final, but it maintains a lively and visceral feel throughout. The use of sharp framing, music and a fast pace bring the world of culture to life so that the viewer is able to witness every drop of sweat, blood and tears Balram is able to shed in his ethically dubious race for his place at the top of the mountain.