The World To Come Review Movie
The World To Come Review
It's a cold, chilly day in the East Coast setting is freezing however the flames of romance burn brightly in Mona's sweet period romance. In keeping with the beautiful poetry of the short story originally written from Jim Shepard, The World To Come features Katherine Waterston's Abigail tell the story of this world of snow in soft tones, reminiscing how she met the wife of a farmer Tallie (Vanessa Kirby) and finally realized the friendship and tenderness was like, as the two women who were married fell quickly and deeply in the love of their lives.
In a world where similar to Portrait Of A Lady On Fire was a success because of the peace that comes with avoiding males completely, Norwegian filmmaker Fastvold finds an enthralling way to frame the romance in the context of the always-present husbands as well as Affleck and Abbott's tough and imposing performances only enhancing the intensity in Abigail and Tallie's love. However, even without being related to them, Waterston and Kirby are amazing: Tallie's ebullient physique — complete with smiling teeth and a sexy intimate touch to the man she loves as if she is the first glimpse in the sun after months of brutal winter. And Abigail's honest joy of finally letting love into her is captivating.
It's a film that will be remembered because of its love.
It's not an eternal idyllic world. The appeal in The World To Come is as an intoxicating portrayal of a love that isn't going to endure. Waterston is tenderly sad and beaten by the harsh environment and the gruesome relationship between husbands who work and docile wives in which women's independence isn't a reality and where work (both tangible on the ground as well as emotional in the wedding) will always be the most important thing over love. If the women aren't able to talk or cry, the film will: a beautiful clarinet soundtrack composed by Daniel Blumberg adds another dimension to the sorrow of the movie.
In the end, it's an unforgettable film because of its enthusiasm — and for its belief that these small snatches of joy are worth keeping, even if the world may never believe that they are even feasible.