• November 10, 2021

H Is For Happiness Review Movie

H Is For Happiness Review

H Is For Happiness is small-scale movie that explores the child-like qualities in grown-ups (and the reverse) to great effect. It is based on the YA novel written by Barry Jonsberg, Australian theatre director John Sheedy's debut movie is within the realm of Wes Anderson and Taika Waititi's stories of childhood (although it's not as sharp the latter) and explores themes of friendship, loss, and the notion of being an outsider through vibrantly hued stylised and stylised cinema that is influenced by an explosion at a candy shop. It's a charming sweet that, though clearly written from the perspective of a child does not shy away from the complex emotions and tangled realities of adulthood and is rewarded with impressive performances by the young actors and an optimistic, generous spirit.

Sheedy's filmmaking is well-controlled and filled with Wes Anderson-like things like symmetrical compositions and overhead footage of food.

The story centers around superright twelve-year old Candice Phee (Daisy Axon) who is the type of swot who's constantly the first one to speak up (to the annoyance that the other students) and arranges her coloured pencils with precision and mentions that dictionary to be her most loved book. The latest assignment for homework that was set in the hands of Miss Bamford (a fun Miriam Margolyes) will require students to look at their lives through the alphabet's letters and Candice uses this as a way to start to make her parentsgrieving over the loss of their infant daughter. Mum (Emma Booth) who was once an enthralling force and a spirited woman, is now mostly bedridden and Dad (Richard Roxburgh) struggles with a depressed wife as well as financial issues as well as a long-running dispute with his younger brothers. Rich Uncle Brian (Joel Jackson) (Joel Jackson) Candice often refers to people using the full name and the features — over an enterprise.

She is able to find comfort in a close friendship with a strange new child Douglas Benson From Another Dimension (Wesley Patten) who thinks he's trying to navigate through multiple universes but actually fell from the tree and struck his head. An equally brilliant student with a love of engineering. In some way, he motivates Candice to attempt to lift her family's spirits. It leads to a thrilling finale that features an impromptu rendition of the song by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers, 'Is in the Stream' as well as the poo gags.

If the twin fears of whimsy and quirk are top of the list Sheedy's films are controlled by Wes Anderson-like techniques like symmetrical compositions, and high-flung images of foods. The film's vibrant, primary colors pop up in the town and school sections and is a contrast to the dark and gloomy dark slumber of Candice's house and a magical forest which is Candice as well as Douglas Benson From Another Dimension's home. The film's strengths are its main characters. Wesley Patten makes for an entertaining, but deluded geek as does Daisy Axon treads a neat line between being a bit snooty and not ever going over the edge into being the annoying. She's T for fantastic.

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